Monday, December 31, 2007

Go Giuliani! Go Bulls!

Today was awesome! I really enjoyed my internship placement. I was blessed with not only great campaign supervisors, but also with Maggie. We spent a lot of time discussing New Hampshire's primary history and how it effects the political process. My campaign supervisors Megan Robertson and Dave Chesley really made me feel comfortable in the office. Dave took Maggie and I to Martha's Exchange Restuarant and Brewing Co. today for lunch. According to Dave, this is a very popular stop for the candidates to visit. He informed us that as much as possible, he will try to introduce Maggie and I to the town. That's great! I'm so egar to see what life would be like as a resident and voter of New Hamshire. What an opportunity!... Besides that, I phone banked. I called targeted voters and informed them about a policy speech which will be held on Jan. 2nd.

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